Univ.-Prof. Dr. Helmut Hlavacs

University of Vienna >> Faculty of Computer Science >> Entertainment Computing


  • Introductory Statistics (2VO)
  • Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistics.

  • Softwarepraktikum mit Bachelor-Arbeit, Praktikum 1/2 aus dem Masterstudium. Possible Topics for Bachelor and Mastertheses.
  • Gaming Technologies (4VU)
  • Game Physics: Mathematics, Newtonsche Mechanik (Kraft, Energie, Impuls), Gew. Differentialgleichungen, Contraints, Mass Aggregate Engines, Starrkoerper (Rotation, Drehmoment, Drehimpuls), Collision Detection

    Artificial Intelligence for Games: Movement (e.g., seek, wander, flee), Collision Avoidance, Steering Pipeline, Coordinated Movement, Pathfinding (A*, Voronoi), Decision Making (Decision Trees, State Machines, Behavior Trees, Goal Oriented Behavior)


  • Real-Time Computergraphics (4VU)
  • Mathematische Grundlagen: Transfomationen, Projektionsmatrix, Quaternionen

    NEW The Vulkan API: Interface, programming, Vertex/Index Buffers, Render Pipeline, GLSL Shader Programming, Lights, Textures, Blending, Shadows, Meshes, Heightmaps, Terrain, Sky, Normal Maps, ...

  • Cloud Gaming (4VU)
  • Softwarepraktikum mit Bachelor-Arbeit, Praktikum 1/2 aus dem Masterstudium. Possible Topics for Bachelor and Mastertheses.
All courses are based on my open source game engine Vienna Vulkan Engine. Also check out my open source library Vienna Gameengine Job System for parallelizing game engine related computations.